Our Work
Black Artists Community Coalition
The Black Artists Community Coalition
is a coalition of Black artists and Black artists collectives that fellowship together towards the development of a shared values, vision, practices, resources and roadmap for a healthy, fertile, and sustainable regional Black Arts Community.

BLACK ARTIST: I am a Black Artist that has and/or wants to develop my own creative practice.
BLACK CREATIVE COMMUNITY: I want to share my vision, time, love and talent to nurture the development of a collaborative black creative community that nurtures each member and their creative practice. A creative community that through its shared vision leaves a legacy of liberation, healing, and excellence.
BLACK AUDIENCE: I value sharing my art with black audiences and want to contribute to increasing access to Black arts to the Black community as well as raise the visibility of all black artists in my creative community.
BLACK CREATIVE ECONOMY: I want to work collectively to explore and expand our Black creative economy

Black Renaissance Project
The Black Renaissance Project
Provides Consulting, Support and Resources to Black Artists, Black Arts Collectives and Black-Led Black Arts Organizations.
4ArtistONLY - No Spectators
A Black Artist Mixer
Unite with fellow Black artists to foster community, creativity, and collaboration.

Black & Belonging Initiative

Black & Belonging simply put is creating an artist community in which we all belong no matter what are Black & is. If we are Black and LGBTQ+, Black and living with a disability, Black and non-binary, Black and a elder, Black and Food insecure, Black with mental wellness if you are a Black artist you are home, you are Loved and you Belong in our community. ICC will develop with Black Artists a series of teaching and learning events to assist our community to create liberated spaces and allow for the strongest embodiement of Black community.
Black Arts Calendar
Black Artist Calendar is coming soon! It is a listing of Black Arts events by Black Artists in our region!

State of Black Artists Project
Inspired Child Community is embarking on a data collection process to understand the Black creative economy and access to funding in our region. As well as to develop with Black Artists within a Community context a process to understanding our own individual and collective needs, dreams, vision and priorities.
Resources for Black Artist
Black Arts Collectives, Funding and Development resources for Artists